We stole secrets from cults, cult brands, secret societies, and social movements to learn the dark arts of customer seduction.
Keep reading if you sell stuff on the internet and want to learn how to attract more of the right customers and keep them for life...
Because making money on the internet is not the gold rush it used to be...

Customers are sick of being sold to. 

They’ve been victims of every modern marketing strategy, and they can smell a sales pitch from three clicks away. 

People are exposed to 4,000 to 10,000 advertisements each day

Humans have developed a screening process to ignore most advertising messages. 

Less than 100 of them make it past our “attention wall” each day. 

It’s simply a matter of self-preservation.”  (study)

- Ron Marshall

You can't get sales if you can’t first get someones attention?

It doesn’t matter how good your product is if you can’t sell it...

Business owners and creators need to learn how to bypass these mental firewalls if they're going to survive. 

Because people hate being sold to….

  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
There's over $1 Million Dollars being spent online EVERY MINUTE!!!
There's over $1 Million Dollars being spent online
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
If you understand what influences customers to buy, you can get some of that pie without a fancy funnel, expensive words, or wasting money on bad clicks…  

While the internet changes every day, there’s one thing that never has...

The human brain. 

The puppet master behind the buyer. 
It controls every decision your customer makes.
And it’s gone relatively unchanged since the dawn of time.

That's what we discovered after 10+ years of hunting for a marketing system we could use with our clients so we didn't have to work so damn hard...
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
Hey hey, twins here... Mike & Rick.
If you're like us,

You've tried every modern marketing tactic and strategy out there... 

* Product Launch Formula, Fletcher Method, Ask Method 
* Russell's Perfect Webinar and Sam Ovens VSL
* PDF, Google Docs, Loom
* SEO, SMS, Ezines, Email marketing
* Reputation Management, Web Development, Facebook Groups
Between the copy and campaigns and chaos of customer attraction, it starts to feel like you're dancing for dollars to please the advertising gods. 
So when we got fired by our biggest client...
We lost 90% of our monthly revenue and had a rock bottom realization that maybe it's not our fault. 
Instead of making ourselves  better at marketing
how can we make our clients  more marketable. 
So we spent a few years living cheap in Mexican hostels, studying billion dollar cult brands, influential cult leaders, and human psychology to determine how people make decisions.

If we could learn what makes buyers buy (or do anything really ) we could make our clients more attractive to customers so we could sell more and work less
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
Psychologists understood that humans have two brains

Only 5% of your brain activity goes toward the conscious brain for rational thinking and problem solving...

(like reading this right now)

95% of our brain activity goes to the subconscious brain for decision-making, actions, habits, emotions and behaviour...

(like deciding to read this in the first place)
Meaning you can't get sales 
if you can't seduce the subconscious.  👀
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
Meanwhile there’s a handful of brands who seem to attract customers without even trying.
Some of these brands are able to spend $0 on marketing...
They don't have fancy funnels...

And people still want to throw their hard earned money at them...
We call these "Cult Brands"
These brands can sell whatever they want

for a premium price,

and keep customers for life. 💰
Because Cult Brands understand how to brandwash customers to pay and stay for life
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
Their secret for seducing the subconscious can be found within the  human survival instincts  hard-wired into our biology.
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
Humans are relatively weak and slow.

We've survived thousands of years because of our ability to connect with others like ourselves, creating safety in numbers.
Our brain comes pre-programmed with  social blueprints  
to connect with strangers and belong to groups. 
Since our brain is running on autopilot, it relies on the social norms of the group to tell us how to behave and belong.

We can identify as a Coder, a Crossfitter, and a Craft beer enthusiast all at the same time.

These social identities influence what we wear, how we speak, what we do, what we don't do, and what we buy...  
Speak the language of your customer's social identity
and you can bypass the mental firewalls to seduce the subconscious to buy from you.
If your customers are human, 
this can work for your business to get more sales.
Major advertising agencies have taken advantage of these social identities for years to sell more stuff.
Grey Advertising, who has been around since 1917, leveraged the seductive force of social identities to influence more Moms to buy Jif peanut butter

They took JIF from a distant third place to the market leader within a few short years with the slogan... 

“Choosy Moms choose Jif”

By aligning their brand to the morals and values of a good (choosy) Mom, they beat out everyone else who was still competing on ingredients or price.
Cults Leaders and Social Movements are no different.
 ☞  This is how Jim Jones amassed hundreds of followers for the People’s Temple church, eventually influencing 913 people to commit suicide. 

 ☞  And how Martin Luther King Jr. started a mass movement, attracting over 250,000 people to rally for the civil and economic rights of Black Americans.
But we can no longer afford to attract customers who only pay once...
Here's the Cult Brand Secret for brandwashing customers into paying more and staying for life.
Harvard proved just how easy it is for brands and marketers to influence human behaviour:  
“Marketers can actually create new social identities to both attract new customers and deepen the relationship with existing ones.

Overall, about 20 minutes was all it took to build a social identity powerful enough to prompt specific behaviors.” 

(Harvard Business Review)
After 5+ years of exploring the psychological circuits that allow marketers and business owners to influence customer behaviour... 

We documented  27 different brandwashing secrets  to subconsciously seduce more of the right customers to pay and stay for life...
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
  • Turn content into experience with Member Missions 
  • Increase retention & loyalty  with Loot, Milestones & Citizen X systems
  • Get endless amounts of proof using the Spotlight Matrix
So we tried it for ourselves...
This is what happened when we created a new social identity for an online brand... 
We met up with Funk Roberts who is a fitness trainer with a huge email list, 700k Youtube Subs, and tons of credibility... 

Yet he couldn't get his customers to want to stay in his membership. 

It got so bad that he had to shut down the program and refund everyones money. 
*One of Funk's many Dispute letters from his merchant
So we rebranded his membership from Over 40 Shred to Over 40 Alpha so each new customer was indoctrinated into this new identity.

Because we invented this identity, we got to define the social norms of the group so we could influence their behaviour to do what we want from them. 
People wanted to join.

The members actually engaged in the community without us having to poke and prod. 

They buy lifetime access (and everything else we add to the shop). 

They provide us marketable testimonials and social proof that attracts more of the right customers because they actually stay engaged and get results. 

They are recruiting friends and family to join. 

Members are meeting up offline. 

Members are getting tattoos

They have their own slang and handshake

It has become a full on Customer Cult.
And we turned his failing membership site into a 7-Figure Brotherhood within 2 years.
After flying home from FHL to receive our 2 Comma Club Award, 

Funk told us we have to share the secrets that turned around his business with other brands and marketers.

He actually said,

"Every CEO in the world needs this"

We designed this for ourselves so we had a reliable system for our own clients to make their brands and products more marketable. 

But anyone who sells a product can implement most of these secrets into their business to attract better customers who want to pay and stay and tell their friends.  

It doesn't matter what you sell (we've proven that the product doesn't matter), if you implement even a fraction of these secrets you'll be noticeably better off than your competition.
Want to know how we did it?
Discover the Dark Arts Of Customer Seduction... 
This could be us but you're still skimming...
27 Brandwashing Secrets
Normally $99
Today, only $27
One time payment and these secrets are yours for life!
You'll get the 97 page digital book that will no doubt, make you more money.
If it doesn't help you make an extra $100, we'll refund you.
And you can forever have access to the vault with the book and bonuses.

What Exactly IS the Customer Cult Black Book?

It’s the step by step process we used to create a million dollar membership that has insane engagement, crazy loyalty and stupid high retention.
It walks you through, in order, so any creator can build a digital program that can have them making sleep money while the brand builds psychological connection with your buyers. 

This is the exact playbook we use every time we work with a creator to build a course or membership.

Any creator has the power to build a customer cult these days.

What’s Inside 27 Brandwashing Secrets?

In just under 100 pages, you'll learn 27 different psychological "neurosuasion" secrets to turn your business into a customer cult with loyal members who want to pay and stay for life.

Each secret is backed up with stories and studies and action steps so you can understand how to implement them for yourself. 

These secrets will show you how to attract more of the right customers, get them engaged in your product and community, and intensify their connection to your brand so they never want to leave.

The Brand

SECRET #1 - #11: 

You can’t keep a customer you don’t have, and your marketing is only as effective as your brand.

You will learn the 11 unique neurosuasion secrets that attract the *right customers*  who want to buy from you while repelling the outsiders. 

The Product

SECRET #12 - #18: 

You're only as good as the results you can get for your customers, but people are horrible at doing what's good for them so we need to motivate customers to take action. 

The next 6 neurosuasion secrets will show you how to indoctrinate members into your Customer Cult so you can influence customer behaviour and increase their chances of getting marketable results and referrals that can attract more of the right customers.

The Community

SECRET #18 - #27: 

You can't keep customers for life if you can't get them to engage in your community...  

The last 10 neurosuasion secrets are designed to create more neuropathways that chemically connect customers to your brand and each other so they never want to leave

Your customers want to belong to the brands they buy from.  

Don't be another "Me Too Brand" pushing products... 

Learn what it takes to build products and businesses that customers want to throw their hard earned money at.
Steal These 27 Brandwashing Secrets
To attract and retain more of the *right customers* into your customer cult.
Today, just $97
One time payment, in USD, and it's yours for life.
*Digital download so you can read in the dark
"These secrets have grown my membership to $124,282 and counting"
Steal These 27 Brandwashing Secrets
To CREATE A customer cult

Normally $99
Now, one payment of $27
One time payment, in USD, and it's yours for life. 
You'll get access right away to the vault that has the 97 page digital book
along with a template to use to get deadly clear on the brand with our million dollar messaging, &  the 15 min training on how to implement the framework,
so you can build million dollar cult brands by the beach.

The Million Dollar Rebrand
Follow along with this case study to see exactly how we implemented each one of the 27 secrets to turn Funk Roberts’ failing fitness membership into a 7-figure Brotherhood in 2 years.

So you can easily apply this to your (or your client's) brand.
The 6-Part Cult Brand Code Training
(Video Walkthrough)
Love frameworks?

Get our 15-minute video training on the framework we use to build the foundation of every Cult Brand.

When you’re solid on these 6 fundamental brand elements, you can seduce the subconscious and penetrate any niche!
Fill-In-The-Blank Framework  
Get a copy of the visual framework you can use when building a new product, starting a new business, or rebranding your current business so you know it'll seduce the subconscious.

All available in the Customer Cult Vault .
Get forever access for just $27.
Not convinced yet?
Here's What You'll Discover Inside 27 Brandwashing Secrets:
Secrets to  attract  more customers...
  • Secret #1 - How to release "feel good hormones" in your marketing so people feel an instant connection to you and your brand. 
  • Secret #2 - Did you know people subconsciously decide to buy from you or not within the first 50 milliseconds! We’ll show you how to bypass their mental firewall by speaking their subconscious language so you can get attention and sales. 
  • Secret #5 - This simple, psychological trick can help your brand create an instant bond with strangers on the internet, despite what you're selling. 
  • Secret #7 - 58% of customers will avoid you without this little-known secret; a marketer's wet dream for converting consumers into cult members who pay and stay and tell their friends.    
  • Secret #9 - This is how to differentiate yourself from everyone else in the market so you can dominate your corner of the internet.
Secrets to  influence  and  control  your customers...
  • Secret #12 - How to evoke the most powerful human emotion that can influence your customers to take action, get results, and provide social proof to attract more of the right customers. 
  • Secret #13 - By implementing this secret, you can immediately influence customer behaviour with what psychologists call a "frame of orientation" - which satisfies the core human need for order and direction. 
  • Secret #15 - Leverage the "goal-gradient effect" to increase momentum and motivation so your customers stay engaged with your product and community and become more deeply indoctrinated into your brand.   
  • Secret #16 - Billionaire Charlie Munger says this secret is the most powerful force in the universe to control human behaviour
Secrets to  retain  your customers for life...
  • Secret #20 - This secret will help unify your members, create a deeper connection toward each other, and increase satisfaction in the product/program. This is what turned Oreo into a cult brand, and researches found people are willing to pay up to 74% more for products that implement this secret. 
  • Secret #21 - Leverage the brain's "mirror neurons" to increase chemistry and connection with your members at scale. Servers who implement this secret increased their tip by 70%! 
  • Secret #22 - Intensify the "us vs. them" mentality so members feel a deeper sense of pride, unity, and self-esteem by belonging to your brand community. 
  • Secret #24 - By adding this to your business, you can unlock new revenue streams, increase word-of-mouth referrals, and intensify your member's sense of belonging so they never want to leave
  • Secret #26 - Implementing this secret is illegal in some countries because it's so damn addictive!
  • Secret #27 - This is the core human need that most humans are deprived of, and brands who can satisfy this for their members will have customers for life.  
and other  fun stuff  like...
  • Tactics the U.S. Government uses to unify strangers and earn their trust. 
  • The 3-part “Hope Slope to convert strangers into customers. 
  • How to create “dopamine triggers” and other addiction principles to encourage people to use your products.
  • The power of status to create free community managers, brand ambassadors, and high-ticket clients. 
  • Leverage the human need for self-expression to sell them more stuff!
  • The social proof system that can increase conversion rates by 58% and generate 62% more in revenue. 

Ready to learn these customer seduction secrets?

Get Instant Access To 27 Brandwashing Secrets Digital Book + Bonuses Today
1) A digital copy of the 27 Brandwashing Secrets - unique neurosuasion frameworks to apply to your business to create subconscious customer attraction. 

2) The Brand Design Seduction Model - Our internal framework we use with 1:1 clients to create their cult brand identity. 

3) The Cult Brand Code - The video training overview to show you how this business model comes together to attract, engage, and retain customers.  
Total value: $297.00
Just ONE easy payment of $27 today...
Get instant access to the 27 Brandwashing Secrets and $300 in bonuses when you click the button below...

Money Back Guarantee, of course. 

We understand you might have plenty of excuses to not read or implement these 27 secrets...

•  You might think it's going to take too much time to manage some of these ideas. 

•  You might think you're not creative enough to fit these to your business.

•  You might think your audience is too small to make it work.

•   You might think this won't work with your business model.  

And if that's true for you, then we won't try to convince you otherwise. 

It will take some time and creative energy to implement these secrets into your business. 

But those who are willing to put in some effort now will be rewarded with a loyal community of customers who will help their business grow from the inside out. 

So whatever your reason for wanting your $27 back, no worries amigo. 

We'll push that refund button with no questions asked. 

Because we'll be just fine with the handful of customers who are ready to attract and nurture their forever fans. 
Marketing is hard. 

We tried to be a marketing agency, but all the "modern marketing tactics" didn't fix the core problem. 

Turns out our clients were missing tons of psychological "attraction factors" that made it really hard to sell their stuff. 

We decided it's better to learn how to make our client's brands and products more marketable than how we can get better at marketing. 

So we discovered 27 different "neurosuasion secrets" that we applied to a failing fitness membership to turn it into a 7-figure brotherhood. 

Now we're sharing those secrets with marketers and business owners who want to understand the brain of the buyer and how to create a business that customers want to buy from

We call it "Brandwashing" because we are tapping into the subconscious brain to attract, control, and retain customers. 

These are secrets we found from studying cults, cult brands, movements, and human psychology to create loyal customers

And a brand that's able to influence and control customer behaviour will never go starving. 

The result is a Customer Cult that can grow from the inside out, no matter what you sell or what the market is doing. 

Unlike marketing tactics that fizzle out, these neurosuasion secrets are timeless because the human brain hasn't changed much in forever. 

If your customers are human, this will work for you. 

We're just sharing what's possible when you understand that humans are algorithms, and when you understand the system you can win the game. 

Here's our philosophy: If you have the ability to change someone's life, it's your responsibility to do what you can to get them out of their own way. 

And the more lives you can change, the more money you can make, and everyone is a winner.

Happy days. 

Now smash that big yellow button and let's do the damn thing...  

All we wanted in our 20's was a reliable, follow-along system for selling shit online (but without feeling like a douchebag). 

That's how we got here.

Now we're sharing our method with you so you don't have to work so hard to get customers to pay you. 

Because we believe the future belongs to those who understand how to unify strangers on the internet.

Mike & Rick Tielemans

The success of your product has to do with the entire experience from how you invite audience into your world, to delivery, to the meaning baked into using the product, and even the way it affects their identity.
  Copyright 2022 | BRFTBRNDS | CULT BRANDS 
No bad days.
  Copyright 2022 | BarefootBrands.co | CultBrands.co
No bad days.
  Copyright 2022 | BRFTBRNDS | CULT BRANDS 
No bad days.
  Copyright 2022 | BRFTBRNDS | CULT BRANDS 
No bad days.

  Copyright 2023 | BarefootBrands.co | CultBrands.co

No bad days.